לשנה טובה ומתוקה

  1. Main Themes of Tishrei
  2. Online Resources
  3. Tishrei Music Playlist
  4. Trip Ideas
  5. Video – Adventure Around The World with the Holiday of Tishrei – Virtual Tour with Nachliel Selavan
  6. Tishrei in the Torah
  7. Important Dates in Tishrei
  8. Seforim List
  9. Story Books

Tishrei! A roller coaster of events.  A month of eating and eating, and more eating, and fasting.  A time of serious introspection, of deeply looking inside of us, and then absolute joyous celebration.  Tishrei is so full of meaning and of truly understanding what it means to be a Jew. There is so much to learn and experience.

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot + Hoshanah Rabba, Shemini Atzeret and, Simchat Torah will have their own dedicated pages.

So once again, where do you start??

You can go through Tishrei itself, then each individual holiday. 

I make a wall calendar so they can learn when the chagim are and helps them place them in order.

We personally start with the chag that the child loves the most.  What better way to connect to Tishrei than the one that they can’t wait to celebrate first.  

Find the way that your child will connect and love the chagim, that is the best way!

  • The 3 names of the month of Tishrei – HaChodesh HaShevi (The Seventh Month), Yerach HaEisanim (The Month of The Strong), and Tishrei
  • “All Sevenths are beloved above”
  • No other month has as many mitzvot as Tishrei
  • Tishrei is the beginning of the year as to the calculation of years of the calendar, shmittah, planting of trees, and produce – termuot and ma’asrot (animal and vegetable tithes)


The Incredible Month of Tishrei – by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller – aish.com

Yomim Noraim: The Journey of Prayer Classes from Breslov Research Institute – video playlist


Tishrei Music Playlist  

Avinu Malkeinu, by Shulum, Avraham Fried, and Yonaton Raziel’s Amazing Piano Rendition, and more…




Shirat Haaretz Beehives  Tours on the “The Wonderful World of Bees” and “Bee Tour Safari” come be a beekeep for a day. Great for families and Children

Kfar Chabad – Esrog Orchard Tour and Shofar Making workshops

מאחורי הדבש – Kfar Chabad Beehives –  Lots of events during Chol Hamoed and tours.

The Museum Guy – Festivals of Tishrei Tour at the Israel Museum

Go Apple Picking

Visit a farmers market and pick fresh organic fruits and vegetables for your Rosh Hashanah seudah


1ST Tishrei Adom and Chava were created

1st Tishrei Chava and Adom ate from the Etz HaDaas

1st Tishrei The Dove was sent from the ark and did not return

1st Tishrei Yitzchak was bound on the Akeidah

2nd Tishrei The First Shabbat after Creation

On Rosh Hashanah (1st or 2nd of Tishrei) Sarah, Rachel, and Channah were granted Divine Remembrance and were able to conceive a baby

On Rosh Hashanah (1st or 2nd of Tishrei) Yosef was freed from Prison

On Rosh Hashanah (1st or 2nd of Tishrei) we stopped being slaves in Mitzrayim (Egypt)

5th of Tishrei birthday of Naftali the son of Yaakov and Bilhah, and one of the Twelve Tribes

7th of Tishrei birthday of Zevulun, the son of Yaakov and Leah, and one of the Twelve Tribes

8th of Tishrei The building of the First Beis Hamikdash was completed by King Solomon, start of 14 day celebration

10th of Tishrei Moshe Rabbeinu received the 2nd set of Luchot (Second Tablets) from hashem

10th of Tishrei birthday of Rivkah, wife of Yitzchak, mother of Yaakov and Eaisav

10th of Tishrei Ezekiel’s Vision of the Third Beis Hamikdash

11th of Tishrei Yitro advises Moshe Rabbeinu

11th of Tishrei Donations brought for the Mishkan

21st of Tishrei Haggai received prophecy to rebuild the Second Beis Hamikdash

22nd of Tishrei Completion of 14 day celebration of Beis HaMikdash dedication

24th of Tishrei the Jews who returned to Israel with Ezra and Nechemiah did teshuvah


The Talmud states that all of the Avot – Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, were all born in the month of Tishrei.



1st of Tishrei Rosh Hashanah

1st Tishrei Baal Shem Tov had his vision of Moshiach

1st Tishrei Daf Yomi daily learning study was launched

2nd of Tishrei Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

3rd Tishrei Fast of Gedaliah

4th Tishrei yahrtzeit of Reb Yoel Baal Shem who led the Society of Hidden Tzaddikim

5th of Tishrei Rabbi Akiva was taken captive by the Romans todays

10th of Tishrei Yom Kippur

10th of Tishrei Start of Yom Kippur War

15th of Tishrei Sukkot

16th of Tishrei 1st Day of Chol Hamoed in Israel and Second Day Yom Tov of Sukkot in Chutz l’Aretz

18th of Tishrei yahrtzeit of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

19th of Tishrei yahrtzeit of the Vilna Gaon

21st of Tishrei Hoshanah Rabba

22nd of Tishrei Shemini Atzeret and in Israel it’s also Simchat Torah

23rd of Tishrei in Isru Chag in Israel, in Chutz l’Aretz it is Simchat Torah

24th of Tishrei Isru Chag in Chutz l’Aretz

25th of Tishrei is the Yarhtzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzvchak of Berditchev

25th of Tishrei is the Yarhtzeit of the Chatam Sofer

29th of Tishrei yahrtzeit of Shimon HaTzadik, the first Tanna and the last member of the Anshei Knesses Hagdolah


The Big Book of Jewish Holidays with Bina, Benny & Chaggai HaYonah – Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot

My Little Machzor – Machzori Hakatan

The Children’s Chassidic Machzor – according to the nussach of the Arizal

Artscroll Children’s Machzor

Round and Round The Jewish Year, Volume 1 Elul – Tishrei, by Tziporah Rosenberg  

מרגישים שנה חדשה – אלול ראש השנה ויום כיפור – כתיבה: רבורה מינצברג

מעגל השנה א’ – אלול תשרי – רות בייפוס

השנה מספרת לי – חגי תשרי

Tishrei for the Very Young Author V’shinantam Levanecha

60 Days, A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays, by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

The Book of Our Heritage Volume 1, by Eliyahu Kitov

Days of Awe, Days of Joy – Chasidic Insights into the Festivals of the Month of Tishrei

Days of Destiny, The Jewish Year Under a Chasidic Microscope, Adapted from Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Published by Sichos In English

Carta’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, by Israel Ariel and Chaim Richman, The Temple Institute

Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities  אישי התנ”ך– Yishai Chasidah  – excellent for learning about the Ushipizin

שנה טובה – אגדה לחגי תשרי – ספר מיוחד ובו תפילות ובקשות, סיפורים, משלים ועניינים, הלכות נפוצות ועוד, הערוך בפאר והדר, בקו של “זה א-לי ואנווה” המוביל את בית מלכות וקסברגר – פאר היצירה היהודית לכל אורך דרכו.

Yom Kippur – The Artscroll Mesorah Series

Tashlich and Thirteen Attributes, Artscroll Mesorah Publications

Yonah – The Artscroll Tanach Series

The Koren Tanakh Graphic Novel  – Hebrew Version 

The Artscroll Children’s Book of Yonah


הלכות והליכות – לקט הלכות לתלמידים חלק א- רשת חינוך חב”ד

פניני הלכה לילדים ימים נוראים – ראש השנה / הרב יאיר ביטון

והגדת – אלול וראש השנה – רעיונות ולקחים, סיפורים ומשלים מאוצרותיו של רבי יעקב גלינסקי שליט”א

Hilchot Chagim – Laws and Customs of the Jewish Year for Sepharadim and Ashkenazim according to the rulings of Maran HaRishon L’Tzion HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu – an overview of the customs or Elul, annulment of vows, and slichot.

יהדות    Living Lessons Yahudus Curriculum – Sefer HaMitzvot:

Volume 2

  • Unit 51 – Yom Kippur
  • Unit 52 – Resting On Yom Tov
  • Unit 57 – Shofar
  • Unit 58 – Sukkah
  • Unit 59 – Lulav

Volume 4

  • Unit 165 The Avodah of Yom Kippur
  • Unit 169 Aliyah L’regel
  • Unit 170 Rejoicing on the Shalosh Regalim
  • Unit 171 Hakhel

My Jewish Holidays, By David Sokoloff – Board Book

Stories about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, By Menucha Fuchs

ילים צועדים עם המועדים – הימים הנוראים – מנוחה פוקס

Let’s Celebrate Rosh Hashanah, By David Sokoloff – Board Book

The Complete Story of Tishrei by Nissan Mindel available at PDF download

Rosh Hashana: Guess Who? Yom Kippur : Guess Who? A Hachai Book by Ariella Stern & Patti Agroff

שלמה המלך והדבורה – אוריאל אופק

Just Imagine! Your Day In Court – An original, and fascinating portrayal of the judgment period from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur, by M. Safra

אילו וכאילו – ימים נוראים (Just Imagine! In Hebrew)

Just Imagine! We’re Going to the Beis Hamikdash – An original, fascinating portrayal of the simchah in Yerushalayim, during the Yom Tov of Sukkos, by M. Safra

אילו וכאילו – סוכות  (Just Imagine! In Hebrew)

The Call of the Shofar – Read Online at Chabad.org

How the Rosh Hashanah Challah Became Round, by Sylvia B. Epstein

Gershon’s Monster: A Story for the Jewish New Year, by Eric Kimmel

Busy Bees, The Story of Honey, by Dafna and Avrami Tidhar

I Can Do a Mitzvah, By David Sokoloff – Board Book

Thank You Hashem, Artscroll Youth Series

The Very Best Place For A Penny, by Dina Herman Rosenfeld

Seven Delightful Stories For Every Day, By Dov Peretz Elkins

The Wind and the Sukkah

A Tree Full of Mitzvos by, Dina Herman Rosenfeld

The Money in the Honey, by Aidel Backman

The Storyteller, 5 Volume Series, by Nissan Mindel

  • The Mysterious Shofar vol. 1
  • A Succah Behind the Iron Curtain vol. 1
  • Simchas Torah in a Labor Camp vol. 1
  • Erev Yom Kippur Bidding vol. 2
  • A Succah for Two vol. 2
  • The “Esrog Baby” 2
  • The Rooster’s Message vol. 3
  • The Succah Mobile, vol. 3
  • Adventure on Kol Nidrei Night, vol. 4
  • Hakafot Under Fire, vol 4
  • Stories of Teshuvah in every volume