לשנה טובה ומתוקה

  1. Erev Rosh Hashanah
  2. Eruv Tavshillin
  3. Rosh Hashanah Themes
  4. Beit Hamikdash
  5. On The Second Night of Rosh Hashanah
  6. Food
  7. Video – Is Rosh Hashanah on the Wrong Day? – Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
  8. Online Resources
  9. Tashlich
  10. Teffilot
  11. Torah Portions and Haftorot
  12. Shofar
  13. Halachot of Shofar
  14. Shabbat Shuvah
  15. Tzom Gedaliah 
  16. Rosh Hashanah in Art
  17. Ideas to Bring Tishrei to Life
    – Science – biology of the simanim, bees, pollination, fish
    – Life Skills in Tishrei
  18. Food ideas
  19. Arts and Crafts
  20. For Fun
  21. Tishrei Music Playlist
  22. Rosh Hashanah Video Playlist
  23. Seforim and Storybooks – See Tishrei Main Page
  24. Top Picks from Online Teaching Resources
  • We say a longer version of selichot
  • We do not say tachnun, but there is tachnun in selichot
  • We don’t blow shofar to confuse the Satan and to not confuse between blowing shofar in Elul and on Rosh Hashanah.
  • התרת נדרים – annulling of vows in front of a Beit Din
  • Many men have the minhag to immerse in a mikvah
  • Minhag to visit a cemetery and daven by the grave of a Tzaddik
  • Some people fast erev Rosh Hashanah to help them do Teshuvah
  • We spend our free time saying Tehillim
  • To give Tzedakah before chag
  • We prepare ourselves physically for Rosh Hashanah by cleaning our home, cooking delicious healthy food, bathing ourselves, and cutting our nails
  • We wear new clothes to say the bracha Shecheyanu
  • We light candles with the brachot
    – Lehadlik ner shel yom hazikaron
    – Shehecheyanu
Eruv Tavshillin
  • If the second day of Rosh Hashanah is on a Friday we must make an Eruv Tavshillin on Wednesday, before lighting candles for Rosh Hashanah, so that we are allowed to prepare food for Shabbat on Rosh Hashanah day.
  • Is 2 days over the entire world
  • The first day can only fall on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Shabbat
  • The Day of Concealment
  • Judgement Day – Who will live and who will die?
  • The day that Adam and Chava were created
  • Adam HaRishon was judged, did teshuvah, and was forgiven
  • Other Names for Rosh Hashanah – יום הדין, יום הזכרון, יום תרועה
  • We are standing before Hashem in His Palace
  • Start of 10 Days of Teshuvah
  • The balancing of aveirot and mitzvot – we can tip the scale in either direction
  • We do not say Hallel on Rosh Hashanah
  • How we greet women and men differently on the night of Rosh Hashanah. לשנה טובה תכתב ותחתם
  • Crowning Hashem as King of the World
  • יומה אריכתא – Yoma Archita
  • The three books are opened – Tzaddikim, Benoniom, Reshaim
  • It is a custom to not sleep during the day or to be ‘bored’. We must occupy ourselves with Torah and Mitzvot.
  • Tashlich is said on the first day of Rosh Hashanah near a body of water that has fish.
  • Karbanot given at the Beit Hamikdash
  • Shofar blowing Service for the Unclean
  • Witnesses for the New Moon
  • Beit Ya’azek Courtyard
  • We can only prepare for the second night of Rosh Hashanah after nightfall
  • We say Shecheyanu when lighting candles
  • We have a Shecheyanu (new) fruit after hearing Kiddush.
  • Some people wear a new piece of clothing instead of having a new fruit.
  • We have round shaped Challot – people put raisins inside
  • We dip our challah into honey!!
  • Minhag to not eat אגוזים/nuts as the gematria equals 17 which is the gematria of chet – sin
  • Minhag to not eat sour, bitter, or not good tasting foods. We want sweet foods for a sweet year
  • Simanim
    – Apples dipped in honey
    – Head of a fish or ram
    – Pomegranate
    – Dates
    – Carrots
    – Fish
    – Leeks
    – Squash
    – Beets
    – Black Eyed Peas

Pomegranates: 8 Jewish Facts for Rosh Hashanah –

Apples and Honey, by Rabbi Berel Wein –

Why Is Challah Round on Rosh Hashanah? –

Simana Milta: Sephardi version – Walder Education

Simana Milsa: Ashkenazi version – Walder Education

Jamie Geller’s Rosh Hashanah Menus and Recipes

Esther O Design – Recipes

Download Your Free Rosh Hashanah Cookbook –


Rosh Hashanah Sources in The Torah –

Rosh Hashanah in the Beis Hamikdash – Temple Institute

What is Rosh Hashanah? –  

What Is Rosh Hashanah?: Meaning, Customs, & Prayers –

Rosh Hashanah School – Articles by, Eliyahu Kitov –

The Laws of Rosh Hashanah – Erev Rosh Hashanah, customs of the both nights and days –

Secrets of Rosh Hashanah – Mayim Achronim, Efraim Palvanov – Mayim Achronim

Rosh Hashanah in the Torah – Neot Kedumim Park

Rosh Hashanah Seder According to Sephardic Custom –

10 Rosh Hashanah Customs From Around the World –

Rosh Hashanah for Kids! @ – Stories, Recipes, Videos, Art Ideas, and more…

Printable Infographic –



What is Tashlich? – Includes a video,

The Origins of Tashlich, by Eliyahu Kitov –

10 Tashlich Facts Every Jew Should Know –

All about Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah –

Joey: Aquatic Adventure – Video about Tashlich




We must first understand that our teffilot on Rosh Hashanah should be directed towards the needs of Jews as a whole and not on our personal lives.  It is about Hashem being King over all of the Yidden.  We daven that we should be meritorious and victorious that we as a whole nation are judged favourably. We daven that Hashem’s Kingship is revealed before all of creation. We daven for Moshiach and the Geulah.

Go through the Machzor with your child.  Show them the difference between daily davening, shabbat davening, and Rosh Hashanah davening.

Write down the pages of the tefillot your child will be davening.  Either mark it in the machzor, or make a list that is stuck inside the front cover.  I personally marked the sections with a highlighter and circled the page numbers so they could see it as they went page by page.

Mark where they sit and stand.

Indicate where there are changes in the text in Amidah.

Indicate the differences of davening on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.

In Musaf we have the additional 3 brochot of Malchuyot, Zichronot, and Shofarot.

We say L’Dovid Mizmor after Shmone Esrai

There is no Rosh Chodesh davening or Rosh Chodesh karbonot on Rosh Hashanah.

The Unetaneh Tokef Prayer

Inscribe Us In The Book of Life

When you our King, revealed yourself upon Har Sinai…

Kulanu Ke’echad

Vchol Maaminim

Our Father our King we have sinned before you

V’yayda Kol Pa’ul Ki Attah P’alto

Avinu Malkeinu

Teshuvah, Tefilla and Tzedakah

The Rosh Hashanah Prayers: Malchiyot, Zichronot and Shofrot

Maximizing the High Holiday Services (Great for those who have a hard time being in shul or don’t understand the prayers, or don’t connect to davening)



The Torah portion is about Hashem remembering Sarah Emainu on Rosh Hashanah, and The Haftorah is about Rachel Emainu’s sorrow over the exile of her children from Eretz Yisrael, and Hashem assuring her that Geulah will happen and we will return.

Listen to the Audio Recordings of the Torah Readings for Rosh Hashanah

Listen to the Audio Recordings of the Haftorah Readings for Rosh Hashanah



Reasons for sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah

  1. Marks the beginning of Creation. Trumpets glorify a king and proclaim ones subservience to him. Blowing the shofar proclaims our subservience to Hashem.
  2. It announces the beginning of the 10 days of Teshuvah
  3. It reminds of the shofar that was blown at Har Sinai
  4. It sounds like the voices of the Prophets who would tell us to be careful and return and listen to Hashem.
  5. It sounds like the armies who came to destroy the Beis HaMikdash and we should daven for the Beis HaMikdash to be rebuilt.
  6. To remind us of Akedat Yitzchak, where a ram was put in place of Yitzchak
  7. The shofar blast is like an alarm that awakens our sleeping Neshama
  8. To remind us to be humble before Hashem
  9. For us to have a taste of the sound of the shofar that will happen with the announcement of Moshaich and how all of the Jews will come back together.
  10. To remind of the resurrection of the dead.
  11. The shofar fills us with awe of how Hashem fills all space and time
  12. The blast tell us to examine our deeds and see how we can improve
  13. The shofar reminds us of Hashem’s unity.
  14. The simple sound of the shofar reminds us of the cries of the soul yearning to return to Hashem in the heavens
  • Halachot of Shofar Blowing – Shabbat, times, who hears the shofar,
  • How do we behave when hearing the shofar
  • Verses and brachot of the shofar blowing
  • How many times must one hear the Shofar sounded on Rosh Hashanah?
  • Custom to hear the shofar 100 hundred times on Rosh Hashanah including, tekios, shevarim and teruos.
  • Custom to add a tekiah gedolah at the end of the shofar blowing to confuse the satan and prevent him from accusing Israel or lacking fear of Divine Judgement

The Shofar – from

Three Meditations When Hearing the Shofar –

Pivotal Shofar Blasts throughout Jewish History – (Mentions war and the Holocaust)

Perfectly Imperfect: The Secret of the Shofar –

Rosh Hashanah’s Transformative Call –

The Science of Shofar




Shabbat Shuvah – The Shabbat of Return

This is the name of the Shabbat during the 10 Days of Teshuvah (Repentance).




Gedaliah – by Nissan Mindel –

What, why and how we mourn on the day after Rosh Hashanah –




Yochanan Shaked – Shanah Tovah!

Jordana Klein – Pomegranate

Alex Levin – Next Year in Jerusalem





Find out some biology facts about the simanim. What vitamins and nutrients do they have.  How do they grow? 

Plant some seeds of the vegetables that we use for simanim

Learn about bees:

  • Lifecycle
  • Anatomy
  • How is a hive made
  • Types of bees
  • How do bees make honey?

What is pollination?

Plant flowers for bees to collect nectar to make more honey!

Learn about Fish

  • Lifecycles
  • Types of Fish
  • Anatomy
  • What makes a fish Kosher
  • Types of Kosher Fish



Menu plan with the children for Rosh Hashanah using all of the simanim.

Make a budget of how much money they can use to shop for ingredients for recipes they want to make. 

Are you doubling or tripling recipes?  Have your child make the shopping list.  How many of each items are needed.  Is that 1 bag of carrots or 2?  How many apples do we need for all of the recipes? Is that 3 or 4 honey cakes for all the breakfasts? is it ½ a cup or whole cup of flour?  These are all math lessons!!

Include the children in the kitchen and let them make the recipes they chose.

Work out together when foods are to be made, what can be frozen, what has to be made before Yom Tov and what can be made on Yom Tov? 

Delegate who is making what recipe, and who is cleaning up the kitchen.  Children can learn how to wash dishes at a very early age.



Create your own family siman for Rosh Hashanah

Make Apple Sauce

Cook different apple recipes

Make a birthday cake for Adam HaRishon

Gather a variety of different honeys and have a honey tasting party. 



Upcycle some glass jars and decorate them with Rosh Hashanah designs for your own honey jars for the Rosh Hashanah table. Make one for every member of the family and for guests too.

Make beeswax candles

Apple stamping

Honey playdough

Make Happy Birthday signs for Adam HaRishon and Chava

22+ Rosh Hashanah Crafts for Kids & Adults – Jewish Moms and Crafters

Crafts from

How to make a duct tape book cover/Machzor – On a Roll Crafts YouTube video

Montessori Activities and Crafts – Jewish Homeschool Blog


Take the Rosh Hashanah Food Quiz

How To Paint Rosh Hashanah – Video

Morah Tziri at the Bee Farm! Learn how honey is made this Jewish New Year! – Meaningful Minute

Uncle Moishy – Rosh Hashanah Medley

Shofar Blast – Ellen Allard – Kol Isha

Rosh Hashana Lesson with Morah Ester

Rabbi B – Rosh Hashanah Show



Chief Rabbi Efraim Mirviss, Rebbetzin Tap,  Simanim, arts and crafts, and more..

(issue with coding, links do work)

SEFORIM AND STORY BOOKS – is on the main Tishrei Page.



Rosh Hashanah Main Page

There is an assortment of clipart images of simanim, and other Rosh Hashanah Themes

Achdus Sewing Shofar

Bee Scene Quilled Rosh Hashanah Card

Names of Rosh Hashanah

Tishrei Yamim Tovim Sensory Sequencing

Rosh Hashanah Study Guide: History and Overview

Rosh Hashanah Study Guide: Mitzvos, Laws, and Customs

Rosh Hashanah Study Guide: Tefillos

Hearing the Shofar Makes Me Think Of… Boys Version

Hearing the Shofar Makes Me Think Of… Girls Version

Faux Silk – Watercolor Dove Picture


Mashiv HaRuach Craft

Is it Rosh Hashana Yet: Book English, Yiddish & Blank

Rosh Hashana Coloring Pages

Rosh Hashana Riddles from to Alef-Tav

Rosh Hashana – Malchiyos, Zichronos and Shofros Song/Poem

Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Machzor Additions

Project Light: Yamim Nora’im Self-Preparation Pack for Teens

Rosh Hashana Honey Jar: Craft

Elul and Tishrei Yahadus: PowerPoint

Structure of the Rosh Hashana Machzor